My Home Life.. ❤ ❤

I have a mother and father..

There name is Amanda and Micheal Yates..

They are the most incredible and loving parents that anyone could ever have even though sometimes we don’t get along I still love them with all of my heart.

I have two little sisters..

The first ones name is  Mikayla who is 12 and she just start the middle school this year..

The second ones name is Tess who is 8 and she is in the 3rd grade..

They are the most annoying sisters in the world, but what sisters aren’t annoying.. They can also be very sweet but that only happens when they are sick..

Now, we get down to the bestest friend in the whole entire world.. My little brother, he is five years old and he is a spoiled rotten brat but he is so sweet and I’m the only one he is nice to! He just started kindergarten this year and its a real bad tear jerker for me everyday.. My little brother is so cute he waits for me at the bus and then grabs my hand and walks on the bus with me!!  He is also the size of a two year old..  ❤

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